Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Crutch and let them eat cake!

Farewell long weekend... 

I took a break from writing this blog daily and instead worked on being present in the moments of 3 days off with Peanut. It was a great long weekend! We spent time with some of her friends at their cottage home, laying on a floating dock. We paddled the dock away from shore and laid under a big beautiful blue sky with rolling clouds. The next day was spent in a backyard pool basking in the sunlight. My skin turning into a nice brown shade. You would think that I had my fill of vitamin D, the happy vitamin. Yet I woke up this morning feeling in need of a large dose of "happy"... bad dreams had me contemplating my need for direction.
I am happy today...I am so so happy today! I am filled with happy dappy thoughts today! hmmm

Over the weekend we also went to an art show, my art show, well along with 199 other artist.  I was honored to be supported by such good friends and such beautiful creative minds. 

The premiss of the show was that every piece be exactly 1 square foot. They place around 600 paintings on a grid and priced each one the same. We walked around and viewed the walls several times. They were completely covered  with art, each time something new would stand out among the colors and patterns.

It was inspiring to see how different everyone's visions filled the space. So breathtaking having them all side by side like a feast for the eyes.
My painting, done in encaustic on wood, is in the middle. It is the picture with the window/wheel and the green shades.

Picnic in the  park
We continued our Paris summer with long walks on the beach, viewing the Picasso exhibit and a picnic lunch drinking wine openly in a West end park.  A police car stopped near us, there was a moment were a small fear of getting a ticket washed over me. However, we decided if they approached us we would just explain our a drinking as Paris life rubbing off on us. Much like the Parisian we encountered, the officer,  would then stroll along happy with life and our explanation.  

We picked up some goodies from a French bakery. The macaroons we tried in our own city, Toronto, were surprisingly better then the ones we bought in Paris. Some bread, cheese, meat and red red wine. It was a delicious way to spend an afternoon.