Thursday, August 2, 2012

30 days creative charisma challenge: Paris summer continued

30 days creative charisma challenge: Paris summer continued: I spent two glorious weeks exploring France. We did Paris, Nice, Bordeaux and several smaller places in the south. This was an absolutely ...

Paris summer continued

I spent two glorious weeks exploring France. We did Paris, Nice, Bordeaux and several smaller places in the south. This was an absolutely luxury for me... as I have not had the chance to travel as much as I would like. I work for a school and I am off during the months of July and August. Lucky right!

I recently went to France with my new mate... we have been together for only 5 months. So the thought of spending two weeks, 24/7 I must admit brought up some fears. You always hear of that couple that return from travels only to decide that they really don't like each others company that much. I have heard the stories of couple that separate while on vacation, I have known a few. I did not want to be added to that list.

 Thankfully the only issue we had was being shy about using the washroom in our rented rooms that were quite small. Toilette and bed being only a few steps away from each other. On a few occasions one of us, mostly me, got frustrated walking around for long periods of time looking for a good place to eat. I admit once I cried over a hot topic with my mate. Not my shinning moment however, perhaps pivotal one. We did have several conversations hitting on topics that most people don't explore until a year into their relationship. I am happy to report after 336 hours together we still can't get enough of each others company.

I returned home, still having a month of vacation to use. A month is a blessing... right? I have had a hard time adjusting to being back. I loved Paris, I loved Nice and the culture of relaxation and food. I felt I missed it, missed being exposed to such beauty daily. I returned home and things seemed uglier than I remembered them. Even though the city I live in I adore and love its own character. 

But Paris.. I was warned that Paris had magic powers to forever captivate a person's soul.

Thomas Jefferson
“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life.”
Thomas Jefferson

It seemed no one worked, or stressed and the women in the streets looks so polished as if cut from the pages of a magazine and placed before you. People lounged in the parks, on the man made beach and along the river banks. Openly drinking wine and eating bread... so much bread. Bars full and stranger meeting and having a heart filled conversations like they knew each other for years.

Ernest Hemingway
“I've seen you, beauty, and you belong to me now, whoever you are waiting for and if I never see you again, I thought. You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil.”
Ernest Hemingway

I told my mate that I wanted to continue having a "Paris like summer". We agreed to picnics, long bike rides and walks along the beach. We have continued to follow through with our Paris summer. However, my mate went back to work and I have all this time during the day. I also had a mishap in Paris... I fell from the train and injured my right foot. I spent time in Paris on crutches... it saved us plenty of time waiting in lines but, Paris is not that forgiving on crutches with its cobble stone streets and multiple stair cases. So my goal of working out when I returned was slightly altered. I am off the sticks but not walking with a hobble or getting into my beautiful summer time heels yet.

Wouldn't anyone dream of having so much time... I mean an entire day to yourself... and entire month of week days to yourself.  

I am an artist... although I say this with a quiet voice. I am creative, is a louder more confident roar... but a self proclaimed artist makes me shy. I decided with the 30 days I have left I want to take the time to be more creative, more active (right foot needing to agree) and live as Paris a life as I can.

So... perhaps you will join me on my day to day adventures. I hope the inspiration will go both ways. Tell me what you would do with 30 days off. What charisma would you like to create and join me on my mission.

charisma |kəˈrizmə| (noun)
 compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others : she enchanted guests with her charisma.
- a divinely conferred power or talent.